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Why You Should (Consider) Starting A Minimalist Business

Jul 09, 2023

Read time: 4.5 minutes

The benefits of minimalism continue to blow my mind well beyond the obvious advantages of decluttering that is commonly shared.

Here’s what I mean.

After removing unnecessary possessions, I applied minimalism to different aspects of my life. And the clarity I found because of this was unmatched compared to what I experienced from just having a home filled with less stuff.

However, the one thing I didn’t expect was for minimalism to impact my perception of work.

This took things to a whole new level.

Was I nervous? Heck yes!

But, if I wanted to create my life and not settle for just stripping things out of it. Thinking about what I wanted from my career was something I could not avoid.

This is the same challenge I have for you.

What do you want from your career?

There are plenty of opportunities out there, ripe for the picking. And you owe it to yourself to at least explore your options to align yourself with meaningful work.

My vote?

Start a minimalist business.

(And no, I’m not suggesting that you jump up, quit your job tomorrow, and declare yourself an “influencer.” That would be unwise.)

What Is A Minimalist Business

A minimalist business is an approach to solopreneurship (or entrepreneurship) that emphasizes simplicity, purpose, and intentionality.

It revolves around streamlining and decluttering various aspects of business operations, focusing on what is essential and eliminating unnecessary complexities.

At its core, there is a strong emphasis on aligning the business model with one’s personal values and passions.

The focus is not solely on maximizing profit or growth but also on pursuing fulfilling, purposeful, and meaningful work.

Benefits of Starting A Minimalist Business

Starting a minimalist business offers plenty of advantages, including the freedom to prioritize what matters most and call your own shots without anyone’s permission.

With effort and the right strategy, you get to enjoy building something that’s yours.

Something that has the power to be a huge blessing in your life (either as your main work or a long-term side project).

So here are 7 good things to consider as you explore the benefits of starting a business to pursue meaningful work.

Your Family

Yesterday my son turned 9 months, and I cannot believe how fast time is flying by.

This has helped me realize that being present is more important than anything.

At the end of this life, will you be glad you spent more time at work, glued to your desk? Or will you be glad you spent more time with your family?

(I know my answer, which is why I’m building my business)

Your Health

The pandemic affected all of us in different ways, but it also exposed A LOT.

And now that we’re back at work, many of us are rethinking how to better prioritize our physical and mental health and the role work plays in our life.

But with only 24 hours a day, saying we’re “aiming to be more intentional” with our time and energy would be an understatement.

It’s more like a non-negotiable. Am I right?!

Building your own business allows you to buy back your time and use those extra hours to zoom in on your physical and mental health.

Your Time

If you’ve been following me for all of 5 minutes, you may have noticed that I love quoting the wise words of my dad.

Here’s a good one:

“There are two things you can never recapture; words and time. Be careful how you use them both.”

I’ll leave you with this.

Owning your time is the biggest benefit of building a business (solopreneurship).

Your Financial Future

When building a business (even if it’s just a side project for now), your income potential is only capped by how much effort you’re willing to put in.

That said, regardless if you make $1,000/month or $25,000+/month, that income can change your financial future.

  • Pay off debt
  • Escape the paycheck-to-paycheck life
  • Save a down payment for your first home
  • Invest for your future self
  • Open an investment account for your kids
  • Travel the world
  • Live every day with less financial stress


Building a successful business is how I plan to create leverage for myself.

Doing so will help me to:

  • Further regain control of my life (push and pull levers at my own pace)
  • Say “no” more often
  • Take time off when I want (being present is my promise to my family)
  • Utilize my skills to do my best work when it works for me
  • Be the sole decision-maker over my life


Want to take your family hiking?

Want to attend every basketball or volleyball tournament?

Want to accompany your aging parents on their annual vacation trip?

Don’t let a set number of vacation days limit how much you can enjoy. (my daily reminder)

Say yes to everything that matters.


Building something of your own and finding people who need what you have to offer is a great feeling.

And believe me, those people are out there.

I know this because I’m building my business right in front of you.

(This growing community is incredible!)

⇨ This Week’s Action Steps

Spend a few hours considering the possibilities and brainstorming what starting a business might look like for you. What opportunities could this preset or open up?

I will also ask you to ponder the 7 reasons I highlighted in this email. If there is anything else that you would add, hit reply and share it with me.

Lastly, ask yourself: what do I want from my career?

I hope you welcome this challenging question with open arms and at least participate in the exercise of consideration.

That business idea may eventually fulfill the role of becoming your main work.

That’s it for today!

Keep growing on your journey, and I’ll see you next week.


Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help you:

If you're looking for clarity and traction on your journey, I'd recommend starting with an affordable course:

⇨ The Decluttering Starter Kit: Skip the overwhelm and jumpstart your decluttering journey. This comprehensive course will teach and guide you through the system I used to transform my life from clutter to clarity. Get access here.

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