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How To Rediscover Yourself in Adulthood

May 21, 2023

Read time: 3 minutes

At times in life, we may experience a sense of being lost and disconnected from ourselves (or who we want to become), prompting us to question the need to rediscover ourselves. Factors that contribute to this feeling can be:

  • Work and added responsibilities
  • Social expectations
  • Past experiences
  • Fear and self-doubt
  • Prioritizing external validation

Regardless of the cause, rediscovering (reinventing) oneself as an adult can be challenging, overwhelming, and more frustrating than we'd like.

However, it is crucial to recognize that relying on others to resolve this problem for us is not a viable solution.

The responsibility falls solely on us to figure out who we are, what makes us tick, and what we value above all else. And if we don't, we risk living an unfulfilled adult life.

But don't worry. I've got you.

Here are four steps for rediscovering (reinventing) yourself in adulthood.

4 Steps for Rediscovering (Reinventing) Yourself in Adulthood

Step 1: Disconnect

While I believe there is a time and place for focused work and "being busy." We should not neglect the importance of disconnecting.

Between our busy schedules, kids, work, social activities, side hustles (and the list goes on), finding time to focus on ourselves is not easy.

My solution? Disconnect from the many distractions we have in life.

Doing this, in my experience, has disabled the power of influence.

This means my time and attention are not being divided, and therefore I'm able to focus on answering two questions:

  • Where is my life taking me?
  • Where do I go from here?

Step 2: Pay Attention

Taking a step back and disconnecting from our many distractions allows us to pay attention.

One of the greatest skills I've mastered in my personal life is being observant of myself and paying attention to my interest and curiosities.

As adults, we tend to give (or have given) so much of ourselves to everything and everyone else; work, relationships/friendships, and kids—that we struggle to find something that's just for us.

But how could we if we don't take the time to pay attention?

While earning a living, sharing our life with others, and raising a family are blessings and things we should undoubtedly be grateful for.

Understanding what makes us tick and our genuine interest is vital to rediscovering (reinventing) ourselves in adulthood.

Step 3: Pursue Something

If you start paying attention, as I suggest, you will uncover a hefty list of interests you have that you never took the time to pursue.

Well, consider this permission to do so.

Being an adult doesn't mean the fun stops. So the days of neglecting your interest and curiosities end today.

Here's what I want you to do:

  • Pick something you're interested in
  • Pursue it
  • Give it time to see if it works out

The beauty of this is that pursuing something does not mean you have to commit to it. If it doesn't work out, at the very least, you still gain experience from trying.

And as adults, gaining these micro experiences of pursuing things we have an interest in or are curious about is how we rediscover (reinvent) ourselves.

Step 4: Prioritize

Eventually, those micro experiences will lead to one or two things that stick. When you find them, the key is to prioritize them.

Remember, it's easy to get caught up in the responsibilities of adult life and lose sight of the person we are.

Pursuing our interests gives us a sense of purpose. This is the jumpstart we need as adults.

But prioritizing our interests is our way of making a commitment to ourselves—leading to a more fulfilling adult life.

That's it for today!

Keep growing on your journey, and I'll see you next week.



  1. Disconnect
  2. Pay Attention
  3. Pursue Something
  4. Prioritize

Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you:

If you're looking for clarity and traction on your journey, I'd recommend starting with an affordable course:

ā‡Ø The Decluttering Starter Kit: Skip the overwhelm and jumpstart your decluttering journey. This comprehensive course will teach and guide you through the system I used to transform my life from clutter to clarity. Get access here.


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