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10 Problems Solved By Owning Less Stuff

Feb 05, 2022

Whenever you hear the phrase "owning less," what comes to mind? Do you find yourself starting to tense up? Does your mind begin to race with excuses about why you can't let something go?

  • "What if I need it later?"
  • "It was a gift!"
  • "I don't have enough time to go through it right now!"
  • "I'll wear it next summer!"
  • "It has sentimental value!"
  • "I still "need" that!"

I get it! These are the exact things I told myself when I first stumbled across this idea of owning less. So don't feel bad! We're both normal human beings.

However, it's crucial to understand that when we hold on to things, we're creating unnecessary hurdles in our lives that we can easily avoid if we let go of the excess.

Here are ten everyday problems we can solve by owning less.


1. The Problem of Feeling Discontent

 Stuff does not equal happiness, and the more you buy, the bigger the problem you're creating. Owning less solves this because it forces you to change your attitude and perspective around your life and the things you consume.


2. The Problem of Constant Comparison

It takes a complete mindset shift to own less. You have to restructure your thinking and retrain the way you consume. Now, when you do that, you're also separating yourself from societal trends. You know, feeling the need to keep up with the Joneses.

See comparisons breeds discontentment, which creates this bad habit of buying and buying and buying. Just so you can say, "well, I own that too." But is it worth it? Are you happy? Have you finally caught up with the Joneses yet?


3. The Problem of Searching for Social Acceptance

Here's a secret for you. Every person in this world is so caught up and focused on their own lives that they don't have time to worry about you, what you're wearing, or what car you're driving, for that matter. No one cares!

Ask yourself when was the last time you noticed your co-worker or friend wearing the same outfit multiple times in the same week. Chances are you're not paying that close of attention, and if you are, then you have entirely too much time on your hands.

See, buying things to feel socially accepted is a bad habit to have. Plus, it doesn't work because no one is paying attention.

All you have to do is stay true to yourself, and the right people will gravitate towards you—regardless of what you're wearing or driving.


4. The Problem of Not Feeling At Peace (especially at home)

If your home is cluttered, then you're going to have a hard time feeling a sense of peace while living there. So it's smart to start decluttering anything you don't need or use: including clothes, gadgets, decor, and yes—those sentimental items too.

I also want to encourage you to spend some time decluttering your mind as well. Believe it or not, that peace you're not feeling starts from within.


5. The Problem of Feeling Overwhelmed

When you have a lot of stuff, it means you have a lot to maintain. And sometimes, just knowing that you have a lot to do with no real structure around how to get it done, that in itself is overwhelming.

If you feel this way, try taking a step back from the busyness of life and ask yourself a few questions.

  • Am I putting too much pressure on myself?
  • Is there too much on my plate?
  • Am I afraid to ask for help?
  • Is there something I need to let go of to feel better?


6. The Problem of Feeling Stressed

Stress will haunt and take over your life as long as you allow it to. And more often than not, the things that are stressing you out are things you can control.


7. The Problem of Not Knowing What To Wear

Quick story for you! At the beginning of my journey, I had more clothes than I could wear in two lifetimes. I'm talking 50 pairs of jeans, well over 100 shirts, boxes of shoes I never wore. Not to mention most of this stuff still had the tags on them!

Crazy right?

Would you believe me if I told you I was buying more and more because I somehow felt like I still didn't have what I wanted?

But as I finally started to let go, I realize that I was wearing the same few items every weekend and every workday. See, having too much made me feel like I needed more because everything I owned I bought out of habit, not because I needed it.

The problem of not knowing what to wear is real, and I suffered from it first hand. However, as I'm sure you've guessed, an easy way to solve this is by owning fewer clothes and building a capsule wardrobe that works interchangeably.


8. The Problem of Not Being Able To Afford Something

In my opinion, being able to afford something means having the cash available to purchase that item without debt. The one exception being a home—although if you're ambitious enough, anything is possible!

See, the trick to solving this problem isn't as complicated as you may think. It just requires a little math. Income - Expenses = Available cash!

However, don't forget to subtract all of those monthly subscriptions you forgot you had as well as your debt. Plus, you have to factor in how much of your available cash is for savings and retirement. Once you do that, look at how much you have left and ask yourself, can I afford XYZ?

Now, an easy way to increase your available cash at the end of the month is by canceling unneeded subscriptions and paying off your debt.

Trust me, coming from someone who cut back to pay off his debt—$23,000 in one year, I might add. You don't miss it once you stop paying for it! 


9. The Problem of Needing More Space

Now I'm sure we've all said this out loud before: "I don't have anywhere to put this."

If you have, I want to challenge you by asking you this: Are you indeed out of space? Or do you have too much stuff? Just think about it.


10. The Problem of "Wait, I forgot I had This"

See, when we have too much stuff, we tend to rebuy things we already own because A) we misplaced the first one or B) we forgot we had it all together.

However, when we own less, we're more intentional with the upkeep of those items. We're also deliberate about how and where we store them. Making it less likely that we rebuy things we don't need because we know exactly where everything is.


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